Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Species List 24-04-1012 Flinders Reef East, Moreton Island

27 Species found at Flinders Reef East, Moreton Island. Over cast day and smooth surface conditions. 20 m viz and a 2 m swell running which makes a bit of surge! 1st dive/2nd dive.
* most species found this outing.

Aegires flores 3
Chromodoris aureopurpurea /1 (11th photo)
Chromodoris elisabethina 3/1
Chromodoris lochi 1
Dermatobranchus cf. primus /2
Dermatobranchus rodmani /1
Elysia sp. 7 /1 (15th photo)
Flabellina bicolor 2
Glossodoris pullata 1 (7th photo)
Hexabranchus sanguineus /1
Hypselodoris maculosa /1
Hypselodoris whitei /2
Hypselodoris zephyra 3 (8th photo)
Noumea laboutei /1 (10th photo)
Noumea simplex 1
Phyllidiella lizae 2
Phyllidiella pustulosa /4
Phyllodesmium macphersonae /1 (13th photo)
Protaeolidiella juliae 1 (6th photo)
Risbecia godeffroyana 2/2 (12th photo)
Thorunna florens  1 (5th photo)
Thuridilla carlsoni 2 (9th photo)
Thuridilla cf. gracilis /1 (4th photo)
Thuridilla gracilis 1
Thuridilla neona /4 (14th photo)
Trinchesia sp. 3 1
Trinchesia sp. 10 /1