Terry and David on this excursion consisting of a single 105 minute dive in water depths of 8 m to 15 m. 8 m viz, 24 C water temp and slight surge in the shallower parts. We anchored at the western end of The Wall in 8 m of water and worked up to and past the Bommie and back. A weather front came in earlier than expected during this dive so we decided not to undertake a second.
This was a swan-song trip on Mischief as it will have a marine survey next week followed by a hand over to a new owner. A sad day it will be to part ways due to all the wonderful times she enabled us to have. However plans are being made for something different.
Number of each species sighted:
* Species with highest specimen count
Ardeadoris aff. averni -1
Bornella anguilla -1
Bulbaeolidia alba -1
Chromodoris burni -2
Chromodoris magnifica -1
Dermatobranchus rodmani -3
Doriprismatica atromarginata -1
Favorinus sp. 1 -1
Flabellina rubrolineata -1
Halgerda aurantiomaculata -1
Hypselodoris jacksoni -1
* Phyllidia ocellata -4
Phyllidiella lizae -1
Phyllidiella pustulosa -3
Pteraeolidia semperi -1
Sagaminopteron ornatum -2
Thuridilla carlsoni -1
Thuridilla splendens -3
Tritoniopsis alba -2
Bulbaeolidia alba
Bornella anguilla
Thuridilla carlsoni
Sagaminopteron ornatum
Dermatobranchus rodmani - juvenile
Ardeadoris aff. averni
Chromodoris burni
Halgerda aurantiomaculata
Doriprismatica atromarginata
Chromodoris magnifica
Thuridilla splendens
Flabellina rubrolineata
Phyllidia ocellata
Dermatobranchus rodmani - adult
Tritoniopsis alba - adult
Tritoniopsis alba - juvenile
Phyllidiella pustulosa