Monday, July 25, 2016

Species List: Fish Cage, Mooloolah River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 24-07-2016

11 species sighted at the Fish Cage site, Mooloolah River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 24-07-2016

Terry and Gary on this excursion consisting of 1 x 129 minute dive in water depth of 6 m. 12 m viz, 20 C water temp.

It was a perfect winters day, light northerly wind blowing and very clear water.

The large numbers of Flabellina angelvaldesi are still proof the food source is abundant.

Number of each species sighted after the name.
* Species with highest specimen count

Eubranchus sp. 10  2
* Flabellina angelvaldesi  144
Flabellina sp. 4  3
Goniobranchus daphne  5
Goniobranchus reticulatus  1
Goniodoridella savignyi  3
Goniodoridella sp. 1  17
Hypselodoris obscura  7
Pleurobranchus weberi  2
Pteraeolidia semperi  13
Trinchesia sp. 23  2

Hypselodoris obscura

Flabellina angelvaldesi

Entry site to Fish Cage

Flabellina angelvaldesi

Goniodoridella savignyi

The substrate

Pteraeolidia semperi

Goniobranchus daphne

Flabellina sp. 4

Eubranchus sp. 10

Trinchesia sp. 23

The Fish Cage

Pseudoceros sp. flat worm

Unknown Ovulid

Goniodoridella savignyi

Pleurobranchus weberi mating pair

Eubranchus sp. 10

Goniodoridella sp. 1

Goniobranchus reticulatus