Sunday, June 5, 2011

Species List 05-06-2011 Shellacey Reef

18 Species found at Shellacey Reef, sunny/cloudy day about 5kt winds, 10-15m viz and surge. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing

Chromodoris collingwoodi /1
*Chromodoris elisabethina 4/4 (7th photo)
Chromodoris lochi /2 (3rd photo)
Chromodoris sp. /1 (4th photo)
Cratena simaba /1 (1st photo)
Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Favorinus sp. 2 /1 (5th photo)
Glossodoris atromarginata 2
Glossodoris pullata 1 (6th and 10th photo)
Goniodoridella savignyi 1
Hypselodoris maculosa /1 (2nd photo)
Hypselodoris obscura /2
Hypselodoris sagamiensis /1
Hypselodoris whitei 1 (8th photo)
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1
Phyllidiopsis cardinalis 1 (11th and 15th photo)
Sagaminopteron psychedelicum /1
Thuridilla carlsoni 1 (9th photo)
Thuridilla splendens 1