Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Species List 31-08-2011 Hanging Rock Mooloolaba

34 Species found at Hanging Rock, 15m viz, cruisey dives no surge and light winds with sun added in! 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing.

Aegires citrinus /1 (13th photo)
Aegires villosus /1 (10th photo)
Berthella martensi /1
Berthellina citrina 1
Bornella anguilla /1
Chelidonura inornata 1
Chromodoris elisabethina 3/1
Chromodoris sp. 1 1 (8th photo)
Chromodoris splendida 2 (12th photo)
Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Glossodoris aff. averni /1
Glossodoris atromarginata 4 (11th photo)
Glossodoris vespa 2
Hypselodoris jacksoni /1
Hypselodoris obscura 2/2
Mexichromis festiva 1 (7th photo)
Micromelo undata 1 (6th photo)
Noumea norba /2 (5th photo)
Noumea simplex /1
Pectenodoris trilineata /1
Philine orca /1 Our 468th species! (4th photo)
Phyllidia elegans 1
Phyllidia ocellata /1
Phyllidia picta /1
Phyllidiella lizae 1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/2
Pleurobranchus peronii 1/1 juvenile (3rd photo)
Protaeolidiella juliae /1 (1st photo)
Risbecia tryoni 1
Roboastra luteolineata /1
Sagaminopteron ornatum 1
Tylodina corticalis /1 (2nd photo)
Tambja tenuilineata 3/2
Thuridilla splendens 4/1

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Species List 30-08-2011 Clown Reef Mooloolaba

34 Species found at Clown Reef, 15 m viz, glassy surface conditions, little wind. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing

Aegires citrinus /1
Aegires villosus 1 (2nd photo)
Chromodoris albopunctata /1 (4th photo)
Chromodoris elisabethina 3/1
Chromodoris geometrica 1 (13th photo)
Chromodoris kuiteri 2/1
Chromodoris splendida 2
Chromodoris strigata /1 (5th photo)
Elysia sp. 5 2 (9th photo)
Flabellina bicolor /1
Glossodoris atromarginata 1
Glossodoris vespa 2/1 (6th photo)
Goniodoridella savignyi 1
Gymnodoris alba /1
Halgerda aurantiomaculata 1 (10th photo)
Hypselodoris jacksoni 1/1
Hypselodoris obscura /1
Hypselodoris whitei 2/2
Hypselodoris zephyra 1
Pectenodoris trilineata 1 (7th photo)
Phidiana bourailli /1 (3rd photo)
Phyllidia elegans 1
Phyllidia varicosa 2
Phyllidiella lizae 1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 3
Phyllodesmium macphersonae 1 (8th photo)
Pleurobranchus peronii 2/1 (1st photo)
Risbecia tryoni 1 (14th photo)
Sagaminopteron psychedelicum /1
Tambja morosa 1
Tambja tenuilineata /3
Thuridilla carlsoni 1/2 (15th photo)
*Thuridilla splendens 2/4
Trapania cf. aurata /1

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Species List 20-08-2011 Thirty-three Reef Caloundra

9 Species found at Thirty-three Reef Caloundra (New site), sunny day 10-15kt winds, little swell and surge, 10m viz. 1 dive.
*most species found this outing.

Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Elysia sp. 5 1 (5th photo)
Flabellina rubrolineata 2
Goniodoridella savignyi 1
Hypselodoris obscura 2 (2nd photo)
Phyllidia ocellata 6 (4th photo)
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1 (7th photo)
*Pteraeolidia ianthina 8 (1st photo)
Tambja tenuilineata 2 (6th photo)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Species List 20-08-2011 Shelly Reef Caloundra

27 Species found at Shelly Reef Caloundra, sunny day 10-15kt winds, little swell and surge, 10m viz. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing.

Aegires citrinus 1 (10th photo)
Aegires villosus 1
Ceratosoma magnificum /1 (5th photo)
Chromodoris aureopurpurea 1 (1st photo)
Chromodoris splendida 6/1 (13th photo)
Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Dermatobranchus ornatus /2 (4thphoto)
Elysia sp. 5 5/4 (6th photo)
Flabellina rubrolineata 1 (15th photo)
Glossodoris aff. averni 1
Glossodoris atromarginata 6/1
Hypselodoris aff. bollandi /1 (2nd photo)
Hypselodoris kanga 1/1
Hypselodoris jacksoni 2
Hypselodoris obscura 4/2
Hypselodoris zephyra /1
Mexichromis festiva /1
Pectenodoris trilineata 2/1
Phyllidiella lizae 1
Phyllidia ocellata /1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1
Phyllodesmium magnum 1/1 (8th photo)
Pteraeolidia ianthina 1/4 (3nd photo)
Risbecia tryoni /1
*Sagaminopteron ornatum 24/45
Stiliger aureomarginatus 3 (7th photo) There are 3 animals in this photo!
Tritoniopsis alba 2/1 (9th photo)

Yes, and as bonus, there is a fish photo...I have never seen this species before!