26 Species found at Shellacey Reef off Mooloolaba in the Gneerings, 20m+ viz and little surge, sunny and light winds. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing.
Bornella anguilla /1
Chromodoris decora /1 (8th photo)
Chromodoris elisabethina 9/3
Chromodoris kuiteri 2
Chromodoris lochi 1 (14th photo)
Chromodoris splendida 1/1
Dermatobranchus rodmani /2
Elysia sp. 5 1
Glossodoris atromarginata 1
Glossodoris rubroannulata /1 (6th photo)
Gymnodoris alba 1 (1st photo)
Haminoea sp. 7 1 (5th photo) Our 467th Species - Richard to confirm - animal found insitu 2 mm long!
Hypselodoris obscura 1/1
Hypselodoris whitei 3
Micromelo undata /1 (7th photo)
Noumea simplex /1
Pectenodoris trilineata 1 (2nd photo)
Phyllidia picta 1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1
Roboastra luteolineata 2/2
Tambja tenuilineata 2/1 (13th photo)
Thorunna daniellae /2 (4th photo)
Thuridilla carlsoni 3/1
Thuridilla splendens 3/2 (9th photo)
Trinchesia ornata 1
Tylodina corticalis 1/1 (3rd photo)