36 Species found at Nudi Retreat off Caloundra, 10-15 m viz, glassy surface conditions and no swell…great dives very target rich! Check out the numbers of animals found! No this was a lake! 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing.
Aegires villosus /2 (11th photo)
Aeolidiella alba 1
Berthella martensi /2
Cadlinella ornatissma 1
Ceratosoma magnificum /1
Chromodoris alius 1 Second one found! (6th photo)
Chromodoris daphne 9/1 (4th photo)
Dermatobranchus ornatus 2
Chromodoris kuiteri 1/2
Chromodoris kuniei 1 Second one found! (9th photo)
Chromodoris splendida 7/1
Chromodoris striatella 1 (1st photo)
Chromodoris verrieri 1 Has not been seen in 7 years! (3rd photo)
*Dermatobranchus cf. primus 49/8 (5th and 7th photos)
Elysia sp. 5 4/3 (13th photo)
Flabellina bicolor 1
Glossodoris aff. averni 1/2
Glossodoris atromarginata 2/1
Godiva quadricolor /1 First one found outside the Pumicestone Passage! Has not been seen in 7 years! (2nd photo)
Goniodoridella savignyi /1
Gymnodoris bicolor /1
Hypselodoris bullockii /1 (10th photo)
Hypselodoris jacksoni 3
Hypselodoris kanga /1
Noumea romeri 1
Phyllidia ocellata 4/2
Phyllidia varicosa 1
Phyllidiella lizae 1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 2/1
Phyllodesmium magnum /1 (12th photo)
Pteraeolidia ianthina /1
Roboastra luteolineata 3
Sagaminopteron ornatum 4/25
Tambja tenuilineata 10/15 (8th photo)
Tambja victoriae 1/1
Thorunna sp. 3 1