33 Species found at Fairyland Gutters. light winds no surge, 10m viz, 23C bottom, 25C 5m. That's after the forecast of 15-20kt winds and 2m sea! 1st dive Flats to the east/2nd dive the Wall/
*most species found this outing.
Aegires citrinus /1 (8th photo)
Aegires flores /1 (4th photo)
Berthella martensi /1
Chromodoris sp. 1 /1 (8th photo)
Chromodoris strigata 1
Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Dermatobranchus rodmani 2
Chromodoris elisabethina /4
Favorinus sp. 2 1
Flabellina rubrolineata /1
Glossodoris aff. averni /1
Glossodoris atromarginata 3/2
Glossodoris vespa 4 (11th photo)
Hypselodoris jacksoni 1
Hypselodoris maritima /1
Hypselodoris sp. 2 2 (12th photo)
Noumea crocea /1
Noumea simplex 1
Okenia hallucigenia /2 (5th photo)
Okenia rhinorma 1 Second time finding this species in 9 years! (1st photo)
Phestilla melanobrachia /1 (6th photo)
Phyllidia ocellata 1
Phyllidia picta 1 juvenile (13th photo)
Phyllidia varicosa /1 (7th photo)
Phyllidiella lizae 1 (10th photo)
Phyllidiella pustulosa 4/5
Phyllidiopsis burni /1 (3rd photo)
Phyllidiopsis cardinalis 2
Roboastra luteolineata 4
Thuridilla albopustulosa /1
Thuridilla splendens 16/2
Thuridilla neona 1 (9th photo)
Tylodina corticalis /2 (2nd photo)