Monday, April 20, 2015

Species List: Intertidal search, in front of the Humpybong Yacht Club, Woody Point, Redcliffe Peninsula, 17-04-2015.

5 species found during an intertidal excursion on the silty flats (patches of weed and algae) in front of the Humpybong Yacht Club, Woody Point, Redcliffe Peninsula.

Number of each species found.
* Species with the highest specimen count

Aplysia sp. (Juvenile - possibly Aplysia parvula)  1
Eubranchus sp. 12  4 (New species)
* Pupa affinis  10 (Juveniles - 3 x live, 7 x shells)
Ringicula sp. 3  9 (9 x shells)
Trinchesia sp. 27  3

Ringicula sp. 3

Trinchesia sp. 27

Eubranchus sp. 12