23 species sighted at TJs Boulders, Curriumundi Reef, Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Gary and Terry on this excursion consisting of 1 x 72 minute and 1 x 69 minute dive
in water depths of 15 m to 20 m. 8 m viz, 26 C water temp and some surge.
The swell had built a little since our last dive so we made the decision to venture to this slightly deeper site to try to avoid the worst of the surge. The surge was still strong at times and this possibly explains the slightly lower than usual species count for the area. The
Pteraeolidia semperi were present everywhere and our species count probably underestimates their relative abundance. A nice find were the
Phestilla melanobranchia which can be easy to miss because of their excellent camouflage.
Number of species sighted 1st dive/2nd dive
* Species with highest specimen count.
Bornella anguilla 1/1
Dermatobranchus oculus 2/1
Dermatobranchus ornatus -/2
Dermatobranchus rodmani 1/-
Doriprismatica atromarginata 2/3
Flabellina rubrolineata 1/-
Goniobranchus geometricus 1/-
Goniobranchus splendidus 2/3
Goniobranchus verrieri 1/-
Gymnodoris alba -/1
Hypselodoris bullockii 1/-
Hypselodoris emma 1/-
Hypselodoris jacksoni 2/1
Hypselodoris obscura -/2
Phestilla melanobrachia 2/-
Phyllidia ocellata 3/2
Phyllidiella lizae 1/3
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/2
Phyllodesmium macphersonae 1/-
*Pteraeolidia semperi 38/35
Roboastra luteolineata 1/-
Sagaminopteron ornatum 2/3
Tritoniopsis alba 1/-
Tritoniopsis alba
Goniobranchus geometricus
Phestilla melanobrachia
Sagaminopteron ornatum
Goniobranchus splendidus
Bornella anguilla
Phyllidiella pustulosa
Dermatobranchus ornatus
Hypselodoris jacksoni
Phyllodesmium macphersonae
Doriprismatica atromarginata
Flabellina rubrolineata
Gymnodoris alba
Phyllidia ocellata