Sunday, March 6, 2016

Species List: La Balsa Park, Mooloolah River, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 04-03-2016

17 species sighted at La Balsa Park, Mooloolah River, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Julie, Terry, Gary and David on this single, shore entry dive of 146 minutes. Maximum depth 5.9 m, 28 C water temperature and 3 m viz.

Small tides are allowing us to get into the water much earlier before the high tide. This compensates for the drop in visibility once the run stops and turns. Although the number of different species we sight is fairly constant, between 17 & 20 each dive, there are quite a few different ones each time apart from the core of usual suspects.

Number of species sighted
* Species with highest specimen count.

Analogium amakusanum -3
Elysia pusilla -2
* Flabellina angelvaldesi -47
Flabellina exoptata -1
Flabellina sp. 4 -1
Goniobranchus collingwoodi -2
Goniobranchus daphne -11
Goniobranchus decorus -5
Goniobranchus splendidus -2
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -31
Goniodoridella sp. 3 -2
Hypselodoris obscura -6
Phidiana bourailli -1
Phyllaplysia sp. ? -1 TBC
Pleurobranchus weberi -2
Pteraeolidia semperi -13
Trinchesia sp. 23 -1

Final checks completed - ready to dive

Goniobranchus decorus

Goniobranchus daphne

Elysia pusilla

Goniobranchus collingwoodi

Flabellina sp. 4 

Analogium amakusanum

Flabellina angelvaldesi

Goniodoridella sp. 3

Pleurobranchus weberi

Flabellina exoptata

Phidiana bourailli

Substrate - "Twin Peaks"

Hypselodoris obscura

Goniobranchus splendidus - caught in 
a scatological moment

Phyllaplysia sp. ?

Pteraeolidia semperi

Goniodoridella sp. 1