Julie, Gary and David on this single, shore entry dive of 151 minutes. Maximum depth 6.2 m, 23 C water temperature and 5 m viz. (Terry's regulators developed a last minute problem so he sat out the dive.)
Not as many species sighted however two new to our list were found. The Thordisa villosa was concealed just below the surface of the sand, its presence betrayed by a circle of slightly different colouration. The undescribed Elysia is one we have seen here before but failed until now to recognise it as a distinct species.
Number of species sighted
* Species with highest specimen count.
Dermatobranchus oculus -1
Doto sp. 3 -5
Elysia sp. 17 -1 Our 665th species
* Flabellina angelvaldesi -37
Goniobranchus daphne -13
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -8
Hypselodoris obscura -4
Phidiana bourailli -9
Plakobranchus sp. 1 -3
Pleurobranchus weberi -3
Pteraeolidia semperi -22
Thordisa villosa -1 Our 664th species
Trinchesia sp. 23 -1
Verconia simplex -1
Pteraeolidia semperi
Plakobranchus sp. 1
The "Fish Cage"
Trinchesia sp. 23
Flabellina angelvaldesi
Phidiana bourailli
Hypselodoris obscura
Thordisa villosa - Our 664th species
Pleurobranchus weberi - A mating pair
Doto sp. 3
Surface view showing entrance steps
Goniobranchus daphne
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Dermatobranchus oculus
Elysia sp. 17 - Our 665th species