Julie and Terry on this excursion consisting of 1 x 44 minute and 1 x 58 minute dive in water depths up to 19 m, 20 m viz, 20 C water temp and no surge.
The weather forecast was ideal for Julie and Terry to assist Reef Check Australia to confirm the location of one of the survey sites. Julie and Jodi dived The Caves, confirming the survey site location, but Julie could not resist the urge to photograph the nudibranchs. We then headed out to Coles Hole where Terry joined us for a leisure dive. It was nice to find the Doriprismatica dendrobranchia, only the 2nd time sighted in 15 years.
Number of each species sighted: 1st dive/2nd dive
* Species with highest specimen count
Ardeadoris rubroannulata 1/-
Chromodoris elisabethina -/3
Chromodoris kuiteri -/1
* Doriprismatica atromarginata 1/8
Doriprismatica dendrobranchia -/1
Glossodoris vespa -/1
Goniobranchus splendidus 4/-
Hypselodoris whitei -/3
Phyllidia elegans -/1
Phyllidia ocellata -/1
Phyllidiella lizae -/1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/-
Thuridilla spendens -/1
Tritoniopsis elegans 1/-
Ardeadoris rubroannulata
Phyllidia ocellata
Glossodoris vespa
Hypselodoris whitei
Doriprismatica dendrobranchia
Chromodoris elisabethina (pale form)
Chromodoris elisabethina
Phyllidia elegans