A single shore entry dive by Gary, Gail and Adele of 204 minutes. Maximum depth 5.8 m, 28 C water temperature and 5+ m viz.
I thought we might try Fish Cage up river again to see it diversity had improved. The first half of the dive was really scarce as far as differnt species goes. Maybe the 28C water temp has caused the decline. The sandy areas are really silt covered. However the hydroids have been productive. The golden hydroids have returned to the Fish Cage and one Tenellia sibogae was sighted.
Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count
Cratena lineata -1
Diversidoris sp. 2 -1
Doto sp. 6 -2
Elysia sp. 18 -1
Eubranchus sp. 3 -4
* Eubranchus sp. 10 -8
Flabellina rubrolineata -4
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -3
Hypselodoris obscura -3
Retusa sp. 5 shell -1
Tenellia sibogae -1
Thuridilla carlsoni -1
A very summer Entry
Eubranchus sp. 10
Flabellina rubrolineata
Retusa sp. 5 shell
Eubranchus sp. 10
Hypselodoris obscura
Thuridilla carlsoni
Eubranchus sp. 3 pair
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Flabellina rubrolineata
Hypselodoris obscura
Diversidoris sp. 2
Hypselodoris obscura
Goniodoridella sp. 1 and egg mass
Fish Cage
Fish Cage visitor
Tenellia sibogae
Cratena lineata
Elysia sp. 18
Doto sp. 6