44 species sighted at Fish Cage to Rotunda, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 28-10-2021.
A single solo shore entry dive with Gary of 333 minutes. Maximum depth 5.5 m, 26 C water temperature, up to 7 m viz.
Upon entering the water I discovered it felt warm then looked at my computer only to see 26C temp. That hit the spot. Easy to make the Nitrox go longer. 333 minutes with 19 bar left. On top of that we have 43 species recorded and with that two new species!. Small dark Mariagalja sandrana were found to be quite common, where have we been. This animal resembles one we recorded off Moreton Island. According to Bob Burn Haminoebulla sp. was found today, another new species. A rather large Carminodoris grandiflora was tucked up under a rock. And in the hydroid bunch where the Lomanotus were, was a Lomanotus vermiformis - Nice!
Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count
Carminodoris grandiflora -1
* Colpodaspis sp. 2 -38
Costasiella kuroshimae -6
Cratena lineata -12
Doto sp. 3 -6
Elysia sp. 11 -1
Facelina sp. 3 -2
Facelina sp. 11 -3
Flabellina lotos -11
Godiva sp. 3 -1
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus -2
Goniobranchus daphne -33
Goniobranchus geometricus -4
Goniodoridella savignyi -18
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -13
Gymnodoris amakusana -2
Gymnodoris sp. 4 -1
Gymnodoris sp. 10 -1
Haminoebulla sp. 1 -1 NEW SPECIES
Haminoeidae long-tail sp. 3 -1
Hypselodoris obscura -18
Liloa brevis shell -4
Limacia ornata -1
Lomanotus sp. 7 -3
Lomanotus vermiformis -1
Mariagalja sandrana -24 NEW SPECIES
Myja sp. 1 -3
Niparaya sp. 12 -2
Philinopsis speciosa -4
Polycera melanosticta -1
Retusa planospira shell -1
Retusa sp. 1 shell -1
Roxaniella leucampyx shell -1
Tenellia sibogae -1
Tenellia sp. 23 -4
Tenellia sp. 24 -5
Tenellia sp. 49 -2
Thuridilla carlsoni -4
Trapania palmula -2
Trapania vitta -1
Unidentia sp. 1 -17
Unidentia sp. 3 -9
Unidentia sp. 4 -27
Unidentia sp. 14 -20
Goniodoridella savignyi
Costasiella kuroshimae
Costasiella kuroshimae
Elysia sp. 11
Tenellia sp. 23
Limacia ornata
Limacia ornata
Retusa planospira
Facelina sp. 3
Doto sp. 3
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Gymnodoris amakusana
Tenellia sp. 24
Colpodaspis sp. 2 x2
Cratena lineata
Colpodaspis sp. 2
Fish Cage
Unidentia sp. 4
Flabellina lotos
Unidentia sp. 1
Tenellia sibogae
Tenellia sibogae
Goniobranchus daphne
Thuridilla carlsoni
Haminoebulla sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 24
Colpodaspis sp. 2
Goniodoridella savignyi
Unidentia sp. 14 x2
Unidentia sp. 1
Unidentia sp. 14
Doto sp. 3
Hypselodoris obscura
Facelina sp. 11
Haminoeidae long-tail sp. 3
Colpodaspis sp. 2
Roxaniella leucampyx
Unidentia sp. 3
Unidentia sp. 4 x2
Hypselodoris obscura
Liloa brevis
Unidentia sp. 3
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES
Egg mass
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES
Facelina sp. 11
Hypselodoris obscura mating and waiting
Hypselodoris obscura mating
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES
Philinopsis speciosa
Goniobranchus daphne mating and waiting
Liloa brevis
Goniobranchus geometricus
Gymnodoris amakusana
Trapania vitta
Goniobranchus Daphne mating
Trapania vitta
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Unidentia sp. 4
Goniobranchus geometricus
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus
Myja sp. 1
Goniodoridella savignyi
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus
Godiva sp. 3
Lomanotus sp. 7 x2
Lomanotus vermiformis
Lomanotus sp. 7
Niparaya sp. 12
Niparaya sp. 12
Philinopsis speciosa
Polycera melanosticta
Carminodoris grandiflora
Trapania palmula x2
Seal Rock
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES
Mariagalja sandrana NEW SPECIES