12 species sighted at Fish Cage to Highrise and back, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 02-03-2023.
A single solo shore entry dive with Gary of 222 minutes. Maximum depth 5.7 m, 28 C water temperature, up to 5 m viz.
Midweek quite diving! With a 1.1 m tidal flow I expected the worst. In the beginning 4 hours before high tide the flow was none and the particulate was high. 52 minutes later the tidal flow started to move and it cleared up to 4 m vis. There were many Murphydoris cobbi to be seen. right at the beginning a Dermatobranchus oculus was recorded. Some nice flatworms were seen as well.
New 'Redback fins' were the go in preparation for next years Tawali trip. The walk to the water required Crocs which were clipped onto the float line! Worked a treat.
Species and numbers sighted:
Dermatobranchus oculus -1
Elysia pusilla -1
Goniodoridella savignyi -2
Hypselodoris obscura -1
Idaliadoris maugeansis -many young
Liloa brevis shell -4
Lomanotus vermiformis -1
Murphydoris cobbi -26
Retusa amphizosta shell -2
Tenellia sp. 23 -1
Tenellia sp. 47 -1
Unidentia sp. 1 -1
Substrate upon decsent
Murphydoris cobbi
Murphydoris cobbi
Dermatobranchus oculus
Murphydoris cobbi
Tenellia sp. 47 before it disappeared
Substrate no flow
Substrate flow starting
Liloa brevis
Murphydoris cobbi mating pair
Corals coming back!
Goniodoridella savignyi
Retusa amphizosta
Redbacks in action
Idaliadoris maugeansis many young
Elysia pusilla
Elysia pusilla
Hypselodoris obscura
Goniodoridella savignyi
Lomanotus vermiformis
Substrate party
Tenellia sp. 23
Unidentia sp. 1
Crocs on line!