Sunday, August 27, 2023

Species List: 26-08-2023 Nudibranch Day Sunreef Trench OWI NW Reef, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

 24 species sighted at Nudibranch Day Sunreef Trench OWI NW Reef, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 26-08-2023.

A double boat entry dive with Gary and friends of 50 minutes each. Maximum depth 19.5 m, 21 C water temperature, up to 15 m viz.

A bit of wind was predicted and under a metre of swell. Nudibranch Day was going to happen. Off we went to Trench. The anchor missed the mark by miles so we searched a flat featureless substrate. The wind picked up and we moved to the NW Reef OWI. This site was fantastic! Seeing Okenia hallucigenia on the pink bryozoan was a treat. And there was finding the large Marionia sp. 5, another level! WOW! Plus 3 New Species. Need to dive OWI NW Reef more!

Species and numbers sighted:

Aegires gardineri -2
Aegires sp. 2 -1 NEW SPECIES
Bornella anguilla -1
Cadlinella ornatissima -1
Chromodoris elisabethina -1
Chromodoris kuiteri -1
Dermatobranchus ornatus -1
Dermatobranchus sp. 20 -1 NEW SPECIES
Doriprismatica atromarginata -1
Elysia sp. 50 -1 NEW SPECIES
Goniobranchus daphne -3
Goniobranchus sp. 6 -1
Goniobranchus splendidus -1
Halgerda aurantiomaculata -1
Hypselodoris jacksoni -1
Hypselodoris obscura -3
Hypselodoris zephyra -1
Jorunna sp. 3 -1
Marionia sp. 5 -1
Okenia hallucigenia -10
Phyllidia ocellata -4
Phyllidiella pustulosa -4
Roboastra luteolineata -1
Thuridilla sp. 6 -2

Our Ride

Second dive NW Reef Old Woman Island

Hypselodoris obscura

Phyllidiella pustulosa

Dermatobranchus ornatus from first dive

Dermatobranchus ornatus from first dive

Substrate OWI NW Reef YUM

Working it...


Hypselodoris obscura


Jorunna sp. 3

Phyllidia ocellata

Phyllidia ocellata

Marionia sp. 5 rhinophore

Marionia sp. 5 rhinophore

Marionia sp. 5


Elysia sp. 50  NEW SPECIES

Elysia sp. 50  NEW SPECIES

Okenia hallucigenia

Okenia hallucigenia

Dermatobranchus sp. 20  NEW SPECIES

Aegires gardineri

Aegires gardineri

Aegires sp. 2  NEW SPECIES

Aegires sp. 2  NEW SPECIES

Aegires sp. 2  NEW SPECIES

Bornella anguilla

Cadlinella ornatissima

Chromodoris kuiteri

Dermatobranchus ornatus

Dermatobranchus ornatus

Doriprismatica atromarginata


Goniobranchus splendidus

Hypselodoris zephyra

Goniobranchus sp. 6

Halgerda aurantiomaculata

Okenia hallucigenia

Marionia sp. 5

Aegires sp. 2  NEW SPECIES

Bornella anguilla

Phyllidiella pustulosa

OWI Substrate NW Reef

Roboastra luteolineata

Thuridilla sp. 6

Marionia sp. 5