A single shore entry dive by Gary, Chris and Jens of 122 minutes. Maximum depth 5.1 m, 20 C water temperature and around 10 m viz very clean water!
The river continues to impress yet again with very clear water. The usual suspects and then there was Okenia liklik a great find. This being the last day of winter showed us that this winter was quite warm compared to others...global warming?
Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count
Bulbaeolidia alba -2
Cratena lineata -3
Flabellina rubrolineata -12
Goniobranchus daphne -11
Goniobranchus geometricus -2
Goniodoridella savignyi -7
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -17
Goniodoridella sp. 6 -1
Hypselodoris kanga -1
Hypselodoris obscura -4
Okenia liklik -1
Pteraeolidia semperi -2
Tenellia sp. 23 -1
Tubulophilinopsis gardineri juvenile -1
Entry and surface comditions
Jens warming up
Hypselodoris obscura
Okenia liklik
Okenia liklik
Okenia liklik
Okenia liklik
Tenellia sp. 23
Goniodoridella savignyi
Flabellina rubrolineata
Tubulophilinopsis gardineri juvenile
Tubulophilinopsis gardineri juvenile
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Goniobranchus daphne
Cratena lineata
Cratena lineata
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Hypselodoris kanga
Hypselodoris kanga
Hypselodoris obscura pair
Flabellina rubrolineata
The channel marker
Goniobranchus geometricus
Goniodoridella sp. 6
Goniodoridella sp. 6