Thursday, September 30, 2021

Species List: 29-09-2021, Fish Cage, La Balsa Park, Mooloolah River, Sunshine Coast, Qld.

 30 species sighted at Fish Cage, La Balsa Park, Mooloolah River, Sunshine Coast, Qld. 29-09-2021.

A single solo shore entry dive with Gary of 244 minutes. Maximum depth 6.0 m, 21 C water temperature, up to 8 m+ viz.

More mid-week diving this time solo and lovin it! Getting in before the weather turns inclement. Some classics were recorded today. I used the new black Ricoh today with the orange one as backup on my arm. After 279 photos and one bar left I wondered how many I could get before shutdown. BTW Tracy that Pleurobranchus peronii was palm sized! The four Okenia plana were still under the rock with many more babies. It was great to record another Lophodoris sp. 1, problem was it was sitting under an overhang and hard to shoot, moving it was not an option. Scouting over the silty sand bottom Colpodaspis sp. 2 were recorded. There before me on the same rock down from the stairs with the Myja sp. was a nice colourful Dendrodoris denisoni. To end the 4 hour dive - first one this year in the river with my 7 mm wetsuit with a 2 mm Elysia coodgeensis. The wetsuit kept me warm throughout the 4 hours no chills in the 21C water - Yippee. Noyce dive, the 1.4 m tidal flow was beautiful and the water clarity was tops. Sigh...

Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count

Colpodaspis sp. 2 -3
Costasiella kuroshimae -4
Cratena lineata -22
Dendrodoris denisoni -1
Elysia coodgeensis -1
Elysia sp. 17 -1
Eubranchus sp. 3 -1
Facelina sp. 11 -3
Flabellina lotos -7
Goniobranchus daphne -11
Goniobranchus geometricus -1
Goniodoridella savignyi -23
* Goniodoridella sp. 1 -50+
Hypselodoris obscura -16
Knoutsodonta maugeansis -1
Liloa brevis shell -2
Limacia ornata -1
Lophodoris sp. 1 -1
Myja sp. 1 -1
Okenia plana -4
Pleurobranchus peronii -1
Retusa amphizosta shell -2
Tenellia sp. 24 -1
Tenellia sp. 44 -2
Thuridilla carlsoni -2
Tornatina sp. 1 shell -1
Tornatina gordonis shell -1
Unidentia sp. 1 -26
Unidentia sp. 3 -3
Unidentia sp. 9 -2





Unidentia sp. 1

Table Rock

Goniodoridella sp. 1 



Blue lined octopus


Limacia ornata 

Goniobranchus daphne 

Okenia plana

Okenia plana x3

Fish Cage rush hour

Goniodoridella sp. 1 

Unidentia sp. 1 x2

Goniobranchus geometricus

Goniobranchus geometricus

Goniobranchus geometricus


Unidentia sp. 1


Goniobranchus daphne 



Unidentia sp. 3 

Goniobranchus daphne

Myja sp. 1 

Lophodoris sp. 1 

Unidentia sp. 3 

Costasiella kuroshimae

Flabellina lotos

Knoutsodonta maugeansis egg masses

Egg mass

Hypselodoris obscura 

Pleurobranchus peronii

Pleurobranchus peronii

Knoutsodonta maugeansis

Hypselodoris obscura

Goniobranchus daphne


Cratena lineata 

Flabellina lotos

Thuridilla carlsoni

Unidentia sp. 9

Tenellia sp. 44

Tenellia sp. 44 x2

Eubranchus sp. 3

Costasiella kuroshimae

Goniobranchus geometricus

Colpodaspis sp. 2

Colpodaspis sp. 2

Facelina sp. 11

Tenellia sp. 24 

Liloa brevis


Thuridilla carlsoni

A friend

Tornatina gordonis

Goniodoridella savignyi 

Cratena lineata

Facelina sp. 11

Tornatina sp. 1

Retusa amphizosta

Elysia sp. 17

Elysia sp. 17

Elysia coodgeensis