34 species sighted at Fish Cage from Split Rock to Point Rock and back, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 04-12-2023.
A single solo shore entry dive with Gary of 244 minutes, 1.5 m, maximum depth 5.8 m, 26 C water temperature, 6 m+ viz.
A 1.5 m tidal flow was very kind today as I dived with my Red Back fins. A new species of Tenellia was recorded today from under a small rock, in fact two animals plus spawn. The cerata are laid out very flat. Flabellina animals have declined because food sources are eaten up. Very happy to find a Costasiella usagi, WOW! Some interesting critters were found today, happy!
Species and numbers recorded:
Colpodaspis sp. 1 -1
Colpodaspis sp. 2 -1
Costasiella usagi -1
Chromodoris sp. 6 -1
Doto sp. 3 -3
Eubranchus sp. 10 -2
Facelina sp. 11 -3
Flabellina pseudolotos -2
Goniobranchus daphne -6
Goniobranchus geometricus -5
Goniobranchus setoensis -2
Goniobranchus sp. 6 -1
Goniobranchus splendidus -1
Goniodoridella savignyi -7
Gymnodoris sp. 10 -1
Hydatina physis shell -1
Hypselodoris obscura -11
Idaliadoris maugeansis -1
Kabeiro christianae -many young
Liloa brevis shell -2
Murphydoris cobbi -10
Mnestia sp. 1 shell -1
Plocamopherus ceylonicus -1
Rostanga sp. 1 -4
Tenellia puellula -2
Tenellia sibogae (yellow) -10
Tenellia sp. 23 -1
Tenellia sp. 32 -2
Tenellia sp. 77 -1 NEW SPECIES
Unidentia sp. 1 -100+
Unidentia sp. 4 -1
Unidentia sp. 5 -1
Unidentia sp. 14 -100+
Verconia simplex -1
Substrate upon descent
Unidentia sp. 14
Idaliadoris maugeansis
Idaliadoris maugeansis
Unidentia sp. 1
Unidentia sp. 1
Hypselodoris obscura
Tenellia sp. 32
Rostanga sp. 1
Murphydoris cobbi
Eubranchus sp. 10
Tenellia sp. 32
Tenellia sibogae
The other Ovulid
Liloa brevis
Goniobranchus geometricus
Tenellia sibogae
Hypselodoris obscura
Tenellia sp. 23
Unidentia sp. 14
Tenellia sibogae
Kids making a mess
Kabeiro christianae
Plocamopherus ceylonicus
Hypselodoris obscura mating pair
The Pipe
Goniobranchus setoensis
Murphydoris cobbi
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 spawn NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Tenellia sp. 77 NEW SPECIES
Goniobranchus daphne
Costasiella usagi
Costasiella usagi
Doto sp. 3
Facelina sp. 11
Ahhhh Red Backs
The Ovulid
Tenellia puellula
Tenellia puellula
Hypselodoris obscura
Goniobranchus setoensis
Flabellina pseudolotos
Goniodoridella savignyi
Goniobranchus sp. 6
Gothum City
Goniodoridella savignyi
Rostanga sp. 1 x3
Chromodoris sp. 6
Chromodoris sp. 6
Doto sp. 3
Colpodaspis sp. 2
Goniobranchus geometricus
Doto sp. 3
Hypselodoris obscura
My freind
Seal Rock
Goniobranchus splendidus
Unidentia sp. 5
Mnestia sp. 1
Colpodaspis sp. 1
Flabellina pseudolotos
Hydatina physis