A single shore entry dive by Terry and Julie of 67 minutes. Maximum depth 7m, 20 C water temperature and up to 5m viz.
Strong offshore winds again confined us to the river for an evening dive. David initially joined us for this dive but a gear failure saw him abort his dive early. With the target species very difficult to find Julie and Terry also shortened their dive time. An interesting find was the Spurilla brazilliana. This is a tramp species that we sometimes find under rocks inter-tidally on the Sunshine Coast, but this is the first time we have found it in the river.
Number of species sighted
*Species with highest specimen count
Bulbaeolidia alba - 1
Cratena simba - 1
Goniodoridella sp. 1 - 5
Hypselodoris obscura - 3
*Pteraeolidia semperi - 6
Spurilla brazilliana - 1
Tenellia sibogae - 2
Spurilla brazilliana
Bulbaeolidia alba
Pteraeolidia semperi
Hypselodoris obscura