Thursday, February 17, 2022

Species List: 16-02-2022, Route 66, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

10 species sighted at Route 66, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 16-02-2022.

A single solo shore entry morning with Gary of 245 minutes. Maximum depth 5.8 m, 27 C water temperature, 0 to 2 m viz.

Ahhh more midweek diving. Despite the results of swell and wind and rain I thought I would see what was there. The water column is still full of fluff. The bottom is covered in thick silt sometimes 50 mm deep. Cratena pawarshindeorum is very common. I did notice that the food sources are really depleting. Some animals have a bloated pericardium. I think they may on the way out after giving us a great showing. Highlight for me was recording a new species of Dermatobranchus 27 mm. No bubble shells were to be seen.

Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count

Cratena lineata -11
* Cratena pawarshindeorum -77
Cratena simba -1
Dermatobranchus sp. 17 -1 NEW SPECIES
Eubranchus sp. 10 -2
Flabellina lotos -1
Goniobranchus daphne -1
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -6
Goniodoridella sp. 6 -1
Hypselodoris obscura -4






Cratena pawarshindeorum



Goniobranchus daphne

Goniobranchus daphne

Goniodoridella sp. 1


Cratena pawarshindeorum

Cratena lineata

Goniodoridella sp. 1

Goniodoridella sp. 6


Cratena simba

Cratena lineata x2

Cratena pawarshindeorum

Cratena pawarshindeorum x5

Hypselodoris obscura


Hypselodoris obscura x2

Eubranchus sp. 10

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Cratena pawarshindeorum spawning

Goniodoridella sp. 1

Cratena pawarshindeorum x2

Hypselodoris obscura

Thick silt

Flabellina lotos

Moon snail

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES

Dermatobranchus sp. 17  NEW SPECIES