Saturday, February 19, 2022

Species List: 19-02-2022, Route 66, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

 13 species sighted at Route 66, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 19-02-2022.

A single solo shore entry morning with Gary of 308 minutes. Maximum depth 5.9 m, 27 C water temperature, 6 m+ viz.

WOW the water has cleaned right up with the 2.0 m tides. Quite nice actually but less challenge! Again Cratena pawarshineorum is the most common today. The bad part is that it appears these animals have pretty much eaten all the food source. Some were recorded crawling on the substrate waffling in search of food. 

Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count

Cratena lineata -5
* Cratena pawarshindeorum -87
Eubranchus sp. 10 -7
Flabellina lotos -3
Goniobranchus daphne -3
Gymnodoris sp. 10 -1
Gymnodoris sp. 32 -1
Goniodoridella savignyi -1
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -16
Hypselodoris jacksoni -1
Hypselodoris obscura -11
Liloa brevis shell -2
Retusa amphizosta shell -3

Early entry




Substrate on entry


Goniodoridella sp. 1

Goniodoridella sp. 1 pair


Fish Cage

Fish Cage

Goniodoridella sp. 1 x3

Retusa amphizosta


Eubranchus sp. 10

Cratena pawarshindeorum

Retusa amphizosta

Cratena pawarshindeorum

Cratena lineata x2

Eubranchus sp. 10

Cratena pawarshindeorum x2

Cratena pawarshindeorum

Goniodoridella savignyi

Cratena pawarshindeorum


Gothum City

Hypselodoris jacksoni

Gymnodoris sp. 10

Hypselodoris obscura

Goniobranchus daphne

Hypselodoris obscura

Eubranchus sp. 10

Eubranchus sp. 10


Retusa amphizosta

Goniobranchus daphne


Cratena lineata

Hypselodoris obscura

Liloa brevis

Cratena pawarshindeorum



Goniodoridella sp. 1 mating pair

Flabellina lotos


Feeding frenzy

The Icon

Big Rock

Gymnodoris sp. 32

Liloa brevis

Flabellina lotos

Making clouds