51 species sighted at Fish Cage to Rotunda, Mooloolah River, La Balsa Park, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 09-11-2021.
A single solo shore entry dive with Gary of 301 minutes. Maximum depth 6.1 m, 23 C water temperature, up to 6 m viz.
Sometimes after a dive you surface and it's glass, you got run over by another new species, you record 51 species and you say yourself WTF! At the end of the dive as I was wandering up the slope, I looked up to see how far to go when Nembrotha drifted into my line of site, WOW! Needless to say I drew my sucker weapon and now we get to see a species, that according to Bob Burn, has never been seen before. Wow just Wow! Eubranchus sp. 22 was found, for a second time, in the same hydroid as Kabeiro christianae. The animal went airbourne while I was shooting Kabeiro christianae. I chased it in the current, got it and finned to a rock out of the current for the photo shoot. I am at a loss for words, this dive was special...51 species, a new species and two second sightings.
Species and number thereof sighted
* Species with highest specimen count
Atys sp. 8 shell -1
Costasiella kuroshimae -3
Cratena lineata -21
Doto sp. 3 -1
Doto sp. 4 -3
Elysia coodgeensis -1
Elysia sp. 11 -1
Elysia sp. 35 -1 Second sighting
Eubranchus sp. 22 -1 Second sighting
Facelina bourailli -1
Facelina sp. 11 -8
Flabellina lotos -5
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus -1
Goniobranchus daphne -20
Goniobranchus geometricus -6
Goniobranchus setoensis -1
Goniobranchus sp. 6 -1
* Goniodoridella savignyi -41
Goniodoridella sp. 1 -4
Goniodoridella sp. 9 -1
Goniodoridella sp. 16 -
Gymnodoris amakusana -2
Gymnodoris sp. 17 -2
Hypselodoris obscura -15
Kabeiro christianae -2
Liloa brevis shell -2
Lomanotus sp. 7 -5
Mariagalja sandrana -2
Nembrotha sp. 1 -1 NEW SPECIES
Niparaya sp. ?? -1
Niparaya sp. 7 -1
Niparaya sp. 19 -1
Niparaya sp. 20 -1
Philinopsis speciosa -3
Placida fralila -5
Pleurobranchus peronii -2
Retusa amphizosta shell -2
Roxaniella leucampyx shell -1
Tenellia sp. 23 -4
Tenellia sp. 24 -3
Tenellia sp. 32 -1
Tenellia sp. 44 -3
Tenellia sp. 47 -1
Tenellia sp. 70 -7
Thuridilla carlsoni -2
Trapania scurra -1
Unidentia sp. 1 -5
Unidentia sp. 2 -2
Unidentia sp. 3 -10
Unidentia sp. 4 -11
Unidentia sp. 14 -19
The shallows
The shallows
Placida fralila
Placida fralila
Placida fralila x2
Goniodoridella savignyi
Goniobranchus daphne
Hypselodoris obscura
Unidentia sp. 14
Gymnodoris sp. 17
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Flabellina lotos
Fish Cage
Cratena lineata
Goniodoridella savignyi
Flabellina lotos
Tenellia sp. 70
Tenellia sp. 70 x2
Tenellia sp. 70
Eubranchus sp. 22 Second sighting
Eubranchus sp. 22 Second sighting
Unidentia sp. 14
Unidentia sp. 4
Kabeiro christianae
Gotta talk to Bob...
Liloa brevis
Goniobranchus daphne x3
Goniobranchus daphne
Niparaya sp. 19
Unidentia sp. 14
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Unidentia sp. 4
Hypselodoris obscura
Tenellia sp. 47
Pleurobranchus peronii x2
Pleurobranchus peronii x2
Goniobranchus setoensis
Costasiella kuroshimae
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Retusa amphizosta
Costasiella kuroshimae
Facelina sp. 11
Elysia sp. 11
Elysia sp. 11
Facelina sp. 11
Facelina sp. 11
Elysia coodgeensis
Tenellia sp. 32
Goniobranchus geometricus x2
Hypselodoris obscura
Unidentia sp. 14 x2
Goniobranchus geometricus
Goniobranchus geometricus x2
...still there
Goniobranchus aureopurpureus
Unidentia sp. 3
Thuridilla carlsoni
Gymnodoris amakusana
Lomanotus sp. 7 x2
Lomanotus sp. 7 x2
Doto sp. 4
Facelina bourailli and Cratena lineata
Tenellia sp. 32
Thuridilla carlsoni
Cratena lineata
Goniodoridella sp. 1
Goniobranchus daphne
Tenellia sp. 23
Trapania scurra
Trapania scurra
Tenellia sp. 24
Philinopsis speciosa
Goniobranchus sp. 6
Niparaya sp. 7
Goniodoridella sp. 9
Seal Rock
Flabellina lotos
Atys sp. 8
Elysia sp. 35 Second sighting
Elysia sp. 35 Second sighting
Roxaniella leucampyx
Philinopsis speciosa
Gymnodoris amakusana
Niparaya sp. 20
Glass on exit
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES
Nembrotha sp. 1 NEW SPECIES